I have lot of Comics, TBPs and Hardcovers... Please see if there's anything else you would like to add to your order! Listed here is a WALKING DEAD TRADE PAPERBACK COLLECTION - FIRST 13 TPBs!
All are lightly-read with some storage wear/customer browsing, and small stains as noted. Editions are as follows: #1 (11th Printing), #2 (1st Printing), #3 (10th Printing, small coffee stain on top page edges, henceforth called SCS, see last photo), #4 (8th Printing, SCS), #5 (4th Printing, SCS), #6 (6th Printing, SCS), #7 (3rd Printing, SCS), #8 (3rd Printing, SCS), #9 (3rd Edition, SCS), #10 (3rd Printing, SCS), #11 (3rd Printing), #12 (2nd Printing), #13 (2nd Printing).